Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Update January 25th, 2012 BIG FRIGGIN' THINGS

Long time since last I posted something, so I figured I should update everyone. There are VERY BIG THINGS in the plans. Keep your dials tuned in to the GNN (Greg News Network) for tons of upcoming fun, adventure, and more short stories. Working on a little thing I call "Royalty" so look for it. Also a little insight from the legendary Johnny Cash: Sooner or later God'll cut you down.

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Horror Has Been Created! DUN DUN DUN!

Finally! The short story I've been working on is complete and has been published. You can find it by clicking on the 'The Scientist' page in the navigation bar up there ^^^, or you can simply click this link:


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Contact your Congressmen/women and Senators to voice your concerns about PIPA AND SOPA!!!

Easy way to find out:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Delay... :(

Horror story has been delayed a little so I can make some story arch changes and lengthen it. I thought of something great and had to add it before posting. So that's that.

In book news, Rayne© is nearly finished and should be ready for mass production in a month or so. Look forward to it people. Here's a little synopses: 
Charlie and his brother Paul are inadvertently exposed to a terrible danger, which they must now face in order to save the universe from total annihilation. Not the chosen ones for the task ahead, they must find a way to succeed against the Nazi horde and their leader Dr. Erik Grimwald.

In other news, the Green Bay Packers lost today, rendering their near perfect season moot. Nincompoops forgot to Pack SKILL into their breakfast. Losing with that kind of a record against the Giants means you don't deserve another ring, sorry.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

About Me... A Short Tale of Self-Absorption

For the past fifteen years I've had my heart set on becoming a great story teller. I have always enjoyed telling a good story, and seeing the people around me light up with enthusiasm and interest. During high school my favorite subject was English; the obvious choice since it corresponds well with my dream. I used this love for reading and writing to study literature in college at the University of California, Berkeley. I thought long and hard about studying Creative Writing instead of English Literature, but eventually settled with the latter since I figured it would be best to know and understand some of the greatest story tellers in history; leaving to my own devices the actual Creative Writing aspect. Most of my decisions so far have been based on the advice of a man whom I have utmost respect for and who was a great influence on me when in high school. His name, Daniel, his role, high school teacher, his legacy, “Greg, you have the workings of a great writer. With a little practice you will go a long way.” The effect – everything I’ve done from that day on.  A couple of extra tidbits about me: I’m 22, still relatively young. I love a good novel; currently reading The Count of Monte Cristo, The Heart of Darkness, and Robinson Crusoe; it's good to have options. And I enjoy smores far too much.

At the moment, for your enjoyment, I am working on completing a short Horror story, which I am trying to write in an Edgar Allan Poe fashion, and will post in the coming days.