Thursday, January 12, 2012

About Me... A Short Tale of Self-Absorption

For the past fifteen years I've had my heart set on becoming a great story teller. I have always enjoyed telling a good story, and seeing the people around me light up with enthusiasm and interest. During high school my favorite subject was English; the obvious choice since it corresponds well with my dream. I used this love for reading and writing to study literature in college at the University of California, Berkeley. I thought long and hard about studying Creative Writing instead of English Literature, but eventually settled with the latter since I figured it would be best to know and understand some of the greatest story tellers in history; leaving to my own devices the actual Creative Writing aspect. Most of my decisions so far have been based on the advice of a man whom I have utmost respect for and who was a great influence on me when in high school. His name, Daniel, his role, high school teacher, his legacy, “Greg, you have the workings of a great writer. With a little practice you will go a long way.” The effect – everything I’ve done from that day on.  A couple of extra tidbits about me: I’m 22, still relatively young. I love a good novel; currently reading The Count of Monte Cristo, The Heart of Darkness, and Robinson Crusoe; it's good to have options. And I enjoy smores far too much.

At the moment, for your enjoyment, I am working on completing a short Horror story, which I am trying to write in an Edgar Allan Poe fashion, and will post in the coming days.